Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Poppy is a funny funny cat. He's the epitome of all that is naughty. In fact, his full name is 'Poppy is naughty'. I guess no one can tell thru photos. U have to see the real McCoy to judge for yourself. He has this perpectual worried naughty face. Worried becos he probably just did something really naughty and doesn't want us to find out.

He looks like a cross between a bear and raccoon due to his marbly, black-brown coat. But i also think he looks like Sesame St's cookie monster. Sometimes when he's perched on his pedestal, he looks like an owl.

Poppy is a mixed persian and mainecoon. The real mainecoons can grow up to be really huge, almost a dog size. The shop owner told me Poppy can grow to be as big. But after 3 years, Poppy's still puny. Poppy never grew. But i guess he's cute as he is. My main reason of having him was to keep Meowz amused when we go to work, but i think he keeps me amused more. I can't imagine my life without this naughty, bumbling court jester. Always ready to play, always fetching things in his mouth. He could run around the house chasing for his ball till he flops down onto the floor, panting, like a doggy. How cute is that?
As said, Poppy was probably taken away from his mother too fast. He never really developed full cat characteristics. Sometimes he's more like a dog than cat. And his meows sound more like a lamb bleating than a posh meow. And he has giant bear-like paws. Am glad i bought him, the RM800++ was worth it. I guess he's lucky to have me as his mummy. Who would love him so much? Rub his belly and comb him lovingly?
Many times i've almost lost him due to his mischief. But that's another's a photo my hubby shot when we were both sleeping on the sofa. Excuse for the exposed legs, but isn't Poppy so adorable?

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