Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Of shredded newspaper and chewed aloe

Oh no.
I came back home and there are shreds of newspaper all over the floor. ALL OVER.
The cats had a newspaper war.
What a mess.

I was standing there contemplating whether or not to clean up when the front oor opened. Daddy meow was home.

“Hey, how’s my…WHAT THE HELL?!? Who did this?”


That was the brown one answering in a very naughty way. I am not joking. Pops replied immediately after my husband asked that question. No doubt, Poppy-is-naughty. That’s his name.

I looked around and saw something else. A chewed tip of an aloe vera. Some hairball had leapt up to the ledge where I put my two pots of measly aloe veras and had chewed off the tip, carried it in his mouth, got bored and then decided to leave it on the kitchen floor for me to pick up.

Scared the shit out of me for a while cos i thought it was a worm. Yeah, a GREEN worm. Silly me.

Who did it?



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