Sunday, August 5, 2007

Cat claws

Cat claws at everything. One cat can inflict quite a lot of damage on sofas, wooden furnitures, timber floor - and I have 2. Cutting their nails is out of the option, especially Poppy's. The little brown fuzzy absolutely can not keep still. Hold him and he wiggles like worm to oooooze his super lithe body out of your grasp. Even my husband at 89kg cannot hold down the 3kg fuzzy.

Despite a RM100 scratching post, they seem to derive extreme joy in digging their claws into my leather sofa. Ouch. I guess sharpening their claws on a RM7000 sofa is more sophisticated than a RM100 post. Who was i kidding. U should see my husband's face of horror when they first dug their claws into the soft plushy leather. After 2 years, my sofa has suffered so much. I no longer want my mom or dad to visit me - they would tsk tsk in dismay. I get extremely embarrassed when my once a week Indon maid comes to clean the house. When she looks at the sofa, her face says it all.

We've tried the loud 'NO!' accompanied by banging the table to wiping the sofa with lemon (apparently citrus and cats are no no) but both ways did not do much to stop them.

I guess our next sofa will be made of cold hard cement. For now, the cats rule all over the house. Imagine if i had 20 cats.

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