preposterous poppy made me fall down one day.
and it's not like it's the first time. he's always getting in my way, in between my legs..... i mean, when my mom reads this, she would be so horrified....since i am this no-longer-20-something-better-be-careful-not-to-fall-down-
and it's not like it's the first time. he's always getting in my way, in between my legs..... i mean, when my mom reads this, she would be so horrified....since i am this no-longer-20-something-better-be-careful-not-to-fall-down-
big sigh.
i should do a collection of all the naughty things poppy has done. it's like when pops left a piece of treat for daddy meow on our kitchen table Poppy left a treat and when he almost burned down the apartment Poppy is up to naughtiness again's always poppy the naughty.
and this time, he made me fall down.
poppy has this chau kuan (bad habit) of pulling his water bowl towards him when he wants to drink. as in, he refuses for some reason to go close to the water bowl. instead, he prefers to stop a few inches away from it and then extends his furry yeti-like paw, grabs the top of the bowl and pulls it towards him. talk about weird quirks. it's really naughty cos by doing so, his paw gets soaked in the water - you know...paw in water means DIRTY paw in water means poor orange meowmeow has to drink paw soaked water courtesy of poppy...
that's why i change water very often.
i used to have 2 it's just down to one. this is why.
big sigh.
i should do a collection of all the naughty things poppy has done. it's like when pops left a piece of treat for daddy meow on our kitchen table Poppy left a treat
and this time, he made me fall down.
poppy has this chau kuan (bad habit) of pulling his water bowl towards him when he wants to drink. as in, he refuses for some reason to go close to the water bowl. instead, he prefers to stop a few inches away from it and then extends his furry yeti-like paw, grabs the top of the bowl and pulls it towards him. talk about weird quirks. it's really naughty cos by doing so, his paw gets soaked in the water - you know...paw in water means DIRTY paw in water means poor orange meowmeow has to drink paw soaked water courtesy of poppy...
that's why i change water very often.
i used to have 2 it's just down to one. this is why.
i had one plastic and one glass bowl. by virtue of the plastic bowl being lighter, poppy likes to pull the plastic one. i put the bowls in a corner on the kitchen floor. poppy likes to pull it out from the corner. like this :

but poppy likes to pull it out. into my path. maybe he wants to kill mummy. or rather, daddy, but the plan went wrong. cos i became the casualty instead of daddy meow.
one night after dinner, we came home and i walked into the kitchen area and failed to notice that the water bowl was right in the middle of my path. so i stepped right into the plastic water bowl and WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!!!
skidded AND landed on my butt! water everywhere! ouch! it was very painful! i think the first thing that came out of my mouth was "POPPEEEEEE!!!! So naughty la!!!!"
poppy looked terribly worried and guilty.
i threw away the plastic bowl which broke anyway cos i stepped on it. daddy meow just laughed and went into the bedroom.
because of poppy, now the 2 cats share one water bowl. and i am wiser now, i make sure i look down.
anyone wants to adopt poppy?

alot of fashion designers would prob want to 'adopt' pops.. makes a nice fur coat!
yeah, a very small furcoat. you know how naughty he is? now he sleeps permanently on the table, even while i work. give him an inch, he takes the whole table. sometimes whilst i am typing, suddenly from the corner i see this furry paw, reaching out for my mouse....or a furry face plops down on my hand...
superglue the water bowl to the floor. see how ur pops shift that. hihihi. mommymeow must outsmart her kids
that would be an idea....errr...only that u can't wash the bowl ever....hahah
i should just get a heavier bowl...
they can lick the bowl clean. super glue it. works everytime against notty felines
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