Sunday, September 30, 2007

Bobby loves me more...always...

See how Bobby manja me.
Except for the itch, he would have been jumping all over me, as he usually does.
That's the difference between cats and dogs.
Dogs are such sell outs.
Cats would be like "Huh, i will come to u when i want to".

Bobby adores me to the point of obsession.
He follows me everywhere.
No one else matters.
Just me me me.
I am his goddess.
His mummy.
So excited.
Too excited sometimes.
Even when he has to poop, he does it really quick so he could come back to manja me.
So fast the poop that while he's running back towards me, his poop is still coming out and dropping all over the floor.
Bobby leaving little treats for my mom-in-law to pick up.
She is not amused.
We would be running all over the place to avoid him.

Meowz' G -Spot

Yes, cats have G-Spots too.

Meowz' one is on his shoulder.
Watch the clip.

Pops' one is on the tip of his tail.
No clip yet.
One day....

Pops get mushed

Definition of MUSH (in mummy meow's dictionary) = hand firmly on cat's entire face. Then quickly twist left and right a few times.
The smaller the cat face, the easier to do.

See for yourself.

Doppy and his best bud

Meowmeowmeow woofwoofwoof,
It's the Bobby and Doppy show!

Bobby has found a new friend.
He likes to play with the fuzzy.
And likewise.

Here's a really funny clip.
Doppy was rolling on the floor playfully next to Bobby.
And the doggy thought, hey, let me roll to.
U roll, i also roll.
Friend friend.
And he rolled.
With Doppy in the way.
Almost killing Doppy with his fatso body.
What a clown.
Dogs have this clumsy quality that is so endearing.

Doppy is naughtier

Visited Doppy on Friday night.
What a handful of a cat.
Zoom here, zoom there.
Zoom everywhere.
The fuzzy can't seem to stay still.

I prefer lap cats.
Like Meowz.
Stay at one spot for a long time.
Sit on my lap, manja like hell.

Doppy's a play cat.
Bite, paw, run everywhere.
Hyperactive like nobody's business.
Eeee...and i thought Pops was hyperactive.
This one beats my cookie monster anytime.

Here's a clip of Doppy 'attacking' daddy meow's camera.
He's Doppy to me.
My mom in law is already starting to call him MeowMeow.
That's my orange fuzzy's name!!
There can not be 2 MeowMeows!

I wonder if my boys would like him.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Charm your ass off

As long as i can remember, i love charm bracelets.
I have a few.
But not serious charms.
I wanted to get the Folie Folie one but then i saw....

Thomas Sabo!
My new love. How could i ever not know this brand?

So pretty! Eee, so cute! Can u see the handcuff charm? Just what every girl needs to cuff her man to her...

How cute are the handbag charms!

Isn't that just too cute? A baby's bootee.

Shoes shoes shoes...shoe charms are close to my heart cos of my name...that red shoe looks like mine! Ah, pretzel charm...isn't it insane?

Dragon charm for the dragon girl...

Lipstick is a must for every girl....

Meow meow, woof woof

Bras anyone?

G-string anyone?

Ice skating anyone?

My gosh, it's crazy, look at the details on the saxaphone! Genius he is...

I didn't go to the Eiffel Tower when i was in Paris....not interested. But this is interesting...

Diamonds are forever....

Record, how many things do they design?

It's enough to make a girl go nuts.

And these charms are not cheap. U buy the chain and charms separately.
I showed daddy meow how much each costs from the booklet the salesgirl gave me.

"WAH LIAU WEI! RM149 for each charm? Cheapest RM99?"

I think one of the handbag and bra charm costed RM980.

"WAH, u can buy a real bag already leh! And thousands of bras!"

He said he will make me one. With real bra, real shoe, real cats (Poppy and Meowz), real dog (Bobby), real g-string, real lipstick, etc...

"Give me all these things, i make one for u now!"

Men, never appreciate beauty in miniature form.

I can imagine how my charm bracelet will look like.

This could be a spoof for Thomas Sabo charm bracelets.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The difference between Meowz and Pops

The difference between MeowMeow and Poppy...besides the colour.....

MeowMeow is a street cat. Kucing tepi jalan i picked up. Actually he was in front of this pet shop and i came up to him and said hello. And he meowed back. I fell in love instantly. Daddy meow always kid that i went to a pet shop and got a free cat outside of the shop.
Poppy is a pet shop cat. He probably spent his kittenhood in the cage. All he knows is his world inside the pet shop.

MeowMeow is FOC.
Poppy costed me RM800++.

MeowMeow eats table scraps. He even loves Nandos. Crazy - it's hot for a cat!
Poppy doesn't know what table scraps is. To him, food is cat biscuits. Table scraps, what table scraps??

MeowMeow is petrified of lightning and thunder. As a street cat, he probably had to run to find a shelter everytime it rains. The thunder reminds him of rain, i guess. Until now, despite being in a comfy home, he still quake in fear when thunder strikes and heavy rain pours. He will crouch low low and crept underneath the table.
Poppy is fearless. What thunder? What rain? What is rain? Poppy will sit by the window and watch the thunder and rain.

MeowMeow has no pain threshold. Doctor jabs him, no feeling. Doctor says "Wah, such a good boy!"
Poppy exaggerates pain. One jab of the needle and he jerks violently and starts scolding the vet furiously. Three people have to hold him down.

MeowMeow obeys (to certain extent) when i say "NO!"
Poppy does not know what "NO!" means.

MeowMeow has rescued Poppy from dangerous situations before.
Poppy would not know how to save MeowMeow if his life depended on it.

MeowMeow eventually welcomed Poppy into his life.
Poppy never welcomed MeowMeow. Everything belongs to him : mummy, the perch, the pillow, all his. Youngest child syndrome. Hmmm...sounds like me.

MeowMeow loves to be scratched.
Poppy loves to be combed.

MeowMeow will sit patiently and let u dig his ears.
Poppy will wriggle away the moment the cotton bud touches his ears. So naughty.

MeowMeow is made up of flesh.
Poppy is made out of fur.

MeowMeow does not carry things in his mouth.
Poppy carries anything and everything in his mouth. Including money.

MeowMeow needs to be coaxed to play.
Poppy is up for a game anytime of the day. He loves to chase balls. Poppy Beckham.

MeowMeow is a lap cat.
Poppy used to be a lap cat but no more. He rather stay further away, staring at me with this beady eyes from a distance.

MeowMeow trusts only me and daddy meow. He doesn't voluntarily manja anyone.
Poppy trusts everyone. Friend friend with every tom dick and harry. What a sell out.

MeowMeow stays in one spot for a long time.
Poppy has short attention span. He cannot stay still for 1 minute. Hyperactive. Perhaps that's why he never gains weight.

MeowMeow can sit like a human and give himself a blow job. Haha. Nah, he doesn't do that but it sure looks like it. See pic. Don't u guys envy?
Poppy cannot sit like a human. Not fat enough.

MeowMeow eats fassst.
Poppy takes forever to finish his food. And very messy too.

Meow is intelligent.
Poppy is just ...hmmm...happy go lucky, bumbling little fuzzy.

But one thing both have in common : Both have gone to the vet to cut cut!! No loving feeling for the opposite sex....

I think as a mummy, i don't ever want to see my boys 'doing it' with a female stray....I like to think of them as innocent boys....

Saturday, September 22, 2007


The many nicknames of my two fuzzies....

Meowz is :
1. Kucing orange manja tempang pudar berbelang, bertompok, berdada putih (Affectionate faded orange cat with stripes, patches, white chest and bad leg)
2. Meowzers
3. MeowMeow
4. Puss in Boots (he does look like that when he wants table scraps)

5. Pink Panther
6. Beached whale
7. Pooky bear
8. Mr Meowzers

Poppy is :
1. Kuching coklat milo.
2. King Lemur (from MADAGASCAR)
3. Gremlin (never feed Poppy after 10pm)
4. Crossbreed of owl and mainecoon = owlcoon
5. Pops
6. Popsy
7. Popsicle
8. Popsy cola
9. Poppy Pops
10. Poppy-is-naughty
11. Yeti – for this furry body and huge paws
12. Fang face
13. Gollywog
14. Lau foo (tiger)
15. Racoon (due to his bushy tail that sticks straight up in the air when he walks)
16. Tau-choo (cos his fur colours reminds me of tau choo)
17. Cookie monster (from Sesame Street)
As usual, the naughtiest one has more nicknames.

I love my cats.
I hope they love me as much.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I love Meowz too

Ok, did it seem like i was pinsam (favourtism) on Poppy after writing that blog on him last night?
That my blog has Poppy's name first then only Meowz?
Of course not.
I love both equally.
So, to make it up, here's pictures i have of Meowz...
Get ready to melt...

Auw, kitten Meowz!
Didn't i tell u that kitten has dumbo ears?

Auw....isn't that just so adorable?

He sleeps all the time. Like all cats.
Ho sek, ho chi (Eat good, live good)
I also want to be like that.

Oh, Meowz and my Kaloo bear!
Who is the cutest?
Coo cooo
My heart's all fuzzy now....

Fatso already. Eat too much, sleep too much.

Poppy manja

Ah, i want to log off now but Poppy just jumped onto the bench to sit next to me.

Purring very very loudly.
Burying his fuzzy face onto my side.
So cute.
How to sleep like that?
It's rare for Poppy to be so manja.
Normally, he would be nearby but not that near.
Just near enough for him to stare at me with those gollywog eyes.
He loves to stare at his mummy.
He's also very possessive of mummy, his pillow and his perch.
If Meowzers comes close to any of these 3, he would pick a fight.
By jumping on Meowz.
He's so naughty that his walk looks naughty.
His fur looks naughty.
Everything is naughty.
Ah, finally he jumped off.
Now i can go to bed.
I hope he knows that his mummy loves him a lot lot.
Even though he is so naughty.

Good night boyz.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Powder puff

No, it's not wrong spelling.
Powder puff to me means tail.
As in cat's tail.
In particular, Meowzers' tail as it is not the pointy type of tail, it is short and stumpy at the end. Like a powder puff.
He has the cutest tail.
Enjoy the clip.

Cats i want

How cute is this?

I want these two cats.
I wish MeowMeow and Poppy would be such good pals to sit so closely together so i could take this type of photos.
U do realise my blogsite name PoppyMeow is named after Poppy and MeowMeow, don't u?
Just wondering.

Here are cats i would like to have and their so called names :

Japanese Bobtail
Name : Bobsy

British Shorthair
Name : Snowy

Name : Raggamuffin

Name : Baboushka
Or, just call them, Do, Re, Mi, Fa. If i ever have 20 cats, i would probably have to name them by numbers : 1, 2 3, 4, 5....20
So i could say this : "Hey 15 is missing!"

Poppy the helicopter

Remember i said Poppy does not like to be held.
While he loves to be combed, he does not allow anyone to hold him.
He would twist and turn his body again and again.
And all claws would come out.
I call this 'the helicopter twist'.

See it for yourself.
Record time someone's held Poppy without dropping him.
1 minute.
That's the longest ever.
I am the record holder.
Daddy meow can't beat me.
He's such a wuss.

Sorry the resolution is so low. I wanted it to download faster...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Doppy is staying

My parents in law is keeping Doppy!!!
I get a new cat!
Apparently there are no takers for Doppy so when i go and visit them, i get to see Bobby AND Doppy!
Daddy meow's suspicious.
Him : Did u put the kitten outside my house? Just like what u did with Bobby????
Me : Yeah rite.
Him : At least u could put a cuter one.
Me : Tell your mom not to name it anything else. The name is Doppy.
Him : That's the stupidest name ever la.
Me : But it rhymes - Bobby, Poppy, Doppy
Him : How about MeowMeow?
Me : Meow-py

Don't u just love me and my creative brain in pet naming?

I will have more excuse to go see my in laws now.
If u have cats, i will come to your house to visit u too.
I just want to play with the cat unfortunately.
Not with u.

Need to go shopping for Doppy this weekend.
Cat litter, cat food, play things, etc.
Oh boy, my favourite.

Cat WWF 2

Here's what happened after the first round.

Guess who won?

Lightweights should never fight against heavy weights.


Looky what i found.
Meowzers and Poppy earlier days.
Where they used to play fight a lot.
It looks scary though - i bite your neck, u bite my neck.
Sometimes it looks like they are necking.
I hate it when they fight - cos fur starts flying everywhere.
So naughty.
Meowzers used to play with me by chasing me around.
Hide and seek.
Now he rather play with his younger brother cum court jester.
I have been replaced by Poppy.
Ah well.

See them fight. Who u want to win?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Vomit, i hate

Poppy is naughty!
He just barfed all over the floor. Yucks.
What makes it even naughtier is that he keeps moving around and barfing at different spots.
4 different spots!
And daddy meow the vomit cleaner is asleep.
What should i do?
Clean it now?
Leave it and let daddy meow scrap off the crusty vomit tomorrow?
I think i have to clean it now.
Big sigh.
I guess i should be lucky that it's just vomit.
Better out from the front door than the back.
Get what i mean?

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Fang face

Does anyone realise that Poppy has one fang that sticks out?
Buck teeth.
I have never seen a cat with buck teeth.
That's what makes Poppy a funny funny cat.
He needs to wear cat braces.
If there were such thing.
I don't have a perfect cat.
That's ok, i am not perfect either.
In fact, his teeth gives him character.
It was not apparent when he was a kitten.
But as he grew, we noticed one of the fang kept sticking out even more.
Daddy meow always say that Poppy can carry fishballs easily, he just has to poke the fishball with his fang.
Whenever i am working and i feel a furry face brushing on my toes below and a poky teeth, i would know it's Pops.
It's scary though, sometimes he likes to run fast fast and crash onto the wooden door.
Am worried that one day he would not be able to apply his brakes fast enough and bang face first onto the door, cracking his fang.
When Poppy eats, it takes him a long long time to chew something.
And morsels of food keep dropping out of his mouth.
Messy eater.
Perhaps it's due to his buck tooth.
Poor Pops.
But i still love him.
Daddy meow calls him fang face.
Here's an illustration of Poppy with his buck tooth.

Boys and the vacuum cleaner

The boys hate the vacuum cleaner.

They are smart enough to know when i turn the vacuum cleaner on, it's time for them to get out of the way.
Or not, their tails could get sucked.
Which they hate.
Naughty mommy.
When the familiar sound of the cleaner roars, they would either hop on the coffee table, chairs or their perch.
Here's a picture of both on the perch, getting out of mommy's way...
Isn't it adorable?
I think it's time to get a new perch for them. A taller one.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


A kitten was abandoned by its mother cat outside my parent in law’s house.
Me : Can I keep it?? (with huge imploring eyes)
Hubby : No! Ur boys won’t like him
Me : Both of them already don’t like each other anyway. What’s a third one? No biggie.

I want to call the cat Doppy. U know, Poppy, Bobby, Doppy… (yeah, i am that good at pet naming) It’s not that cute but…kittens are never really cute. In fact, I like grown up cats rather than kittens. Kittens have dumbo ears that they grow out into at later stage. But now, those dumbo ears sure look funny. Meowz had dumbo ears. Pops has dumbo ears and almost-want-to-pop-out eyes. Whenever we look at their kitten photos, daddy meow would wrinkle his nose and say “What the hell did u see in them anyway when they are small? What made u want to pick up Meowzers and pay RM800 for Poppy? So ugly!”

Now, puppies look cute. Grown up dogs are not as cute. I miss puppy Bobby. Fat, round and clumsy.

Well, I don’t have photos of Meowz and Pops in their kitten form right now, but I do have pics of ‘Doppy’ and Bobby. Daddy meow said I can’t give the kitten a name, as we are not keeping it. His dad’s colleague may be interested in it. Who cares, I am still calling it Doppy.

Puppy Bobby Adult Bobby Kitten Doppy

Monday, September 3, 2007

Another man in my life

In case u think I only like cats, I do love dogs too. Turtles, hamsters, rabbits, any types of animals. I also like iguanas but it gives daddy meow the shivers. What a chicken shit.
He’s just aghast when I told him that I kissed my tortoises on their necks.

I have another love – BOBBY.
That’s my hubby’s pet dog.
That just landed on his front gate one night, 7 years ago.
Bobby was just a little puppy then.
I was on the phone with hubby when he said “Hey, my mom found a puppy outside the garden!”
“REALLY! I wanna come now!”
Bobby was a pretty puppy.
My husband thought he struck gold – someone left a golden retriever pup on his doorstep.
But then, Bobby started growing and looking like a terrier.
A naughty brown terror, sorry, I mean terrier.
So naughty that his black Labrador and white Spitz boycotted Bobby.
So, Bobby had to be separated from the other two dogs.
But Bobby LOVES me. A LOT.
A LOT more than my husband or his parents.
Cos I used to bring doggy biscuits and little treats for puppy Bobby.
He would munch on his biscuits while sitting on my lap.
Even when my mom-in-law pulls him off, he would climb back on. Ten times.
Bobby sure loves me the most.
He would run for the ball and bring it to me, all the time.
Only me.
If anyone tries to take his food away when he’s eating, he would growl.
But not at me. I could take his char siew pau away and he would still be wagging his tail.
When I am there, Bobby just pays attention to me, not him.
My husband is perplexed and jealous.
“Chee ko pek dog”.
But Bobby has never tried to hump my leg. Not once.
He does it to my mom-in-law and my hubby.
Grab, mount and hump.
What a riot.
Hubby : Was it U who put Bobby at our front garden? U planted him there, didn’t u?
Me : He dropped from heaven. Ya-lah, so what if I did?
Hubby : Bah, at least u could have left a golden retriever instead of a terrier-rist. He’s such a handful and looks funny!
Me : U know I like terriers. They are small and cute.
Hubby : And VERY naughty!

My 3 naughties – Meowz, Poppy and Bobby. My first 3 loves. Poor hubby.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Biting the hand that feeds

My orange fuzzy likes to bite my hands.
He gets itchy teeth episodes.
It's like when babies are growing their teeth and they need something to chew on.
A chew toy.
My hands/fingers are Meowzers chew toys.
But Meowzers is 6 years old. Not a baby cat anymore.
Whenever his teeth gets itchy, he would jump onto my lap, starts to gnaw at whichever hand that would be scratching his fuzzy head.
Normally he knows how to control, but sometimes he could get too carried away and it would really be painful.
But he has never drawn blood from my hands.
He knows how to bite hard yet soft enough not to penetrate my skin.
Smart cat.
Trust me, it's quite painful.
No one would be that stupid to let their cat gnaw on their hands.
Except me.
I can't explain the phenomenon, why he likes to chew my fingers....but only Meowzers does it.
Poppy couldn't be bothered.
Sometimes he bites on one finger and just holds it in his mouth. Like a tiger holding it's prey, not really hungry, but just holding onto it.
He does it a lot lately.
I can't read my newspaper in peace. Which explains all the unread pile of newspapers. Sigh.
My mom would be horrified.
Here are some photos of him biting my hands....

Ouch, ouch, ouch.
But perhaps the most painful episode was this one which daddy meow recorded. Major Ouch.

Don't ever try this boys and girls...