Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Daddy meow text :
Your boys make so much noise at night and sleep like mati (dead) in the day.

How true.

Constant meowing and whimpering outside the bedroom door can be quite disruptive to sleep. Some days i resort to putting on ear plugs to sleep (that and also cos daddy meow snores...really loudly!).....Preposterous Poppy scratches the door and meows. After a while, he goes away, just to be replaced by Meow Madness, who pulls at the door and meows on top of his voice. They take turns. Meow actually puts his paw underneath the door, grabs it and pulls the door towards him. It makes the door rattle...some days, when he's just crazy at it, it sounds like there's this mad maniac with a chain saw rattling your door, waiting for you to come out to seal your doom.

In the day time, both are dead. Hibernating i guess.
So that they can act like hooligans at night.

This is Meow Madness in his dead sleeping pose. With eyes open. A bit scary eh?


numin said...



T'Pil said...

zzzzzzzzzzz with eyes wide open. reminds me of that near porn movie starring tom cruise and his wife

The Lee County Clowder said...

They just want to cuddle with Mommy & Daddy.