Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Home is where the heart is

I am SO glad to be home.
And daddy meow is also so glad....that I am home.I think my constant whining about my boys and missing home made him mental.

At the eleventh hour before we depart to Bangkok, i was still trying to convince daddy meow to let me stuff Meowz and Pops inside the luggage.

New version of me explaining to the security during the scan :

Security : Apa ni!?? (peering closely at the tv monitor)

Me : Oh, ini.......ini kucing boneka (with my biggest bambi eyes)

Security : Kenapa macam betul betul punya kucing?

Me : Ini special edition punya kucing boneka. Macam betul punya kucing. Ada tulang tulang punya. Boleh mengiaw, boleh lari, lompat, makan...ini Beyond 2000 punya special prototaip...

But seriously...

Because I was whingeing so much, daddy meow hooked up his second laptop with camera to monitor the cats live, from Bangkok.
Miss Bossy wanted to check everyday to make sure that there are 2 cats in view.
In case if mom in law decides to bring them back to her house to play with devil Doppy.
Or, if Poppy became mischievious again and jumped out of the window.
This is how attached I am to my cats.
All the way to airport i was saying i miss the cats.
In the airport i said i miss the cats.
In the airplane i said i miss the cats.
First thing in the hotel room, log into the net to see the cats.
Second day in Bangkok and i said i was ready to go home.
I miss the cats.

I guess i miss the boys more this round because usually, when i travel, daddy meow's at home taking care of them.
But this time, neither one of us will be there.
Just the perpectual fear of something happening to them and we are not there to help drove me to paranoia land.
Or the thought of my cats feeling lonely for 3 whole days.
No one to stroke them.

The camera shows everything.
Poppy on the dining table almost everynight.
The dining table is forbidden, they know that.
Yet, the brown naughty derived such great pleasure from sleeping on it in our absence.

Our flight was at 7pm Monday but i made daddy meow change to an earlier flight at 5pm.
So that we could get home earlier.
And celebrate New Year's with Meowz and Pops.
Cos i don't know what to do also in the airport for so long.
My feet, my legs, my shoulders, my neck - all pain. PAIN!!!
Pain from the excessive walking.
I have never walked so much in my life.
But we had to pay RM200 for the earlier flight.
I feel bad...so am gonna pay daddy meow back.

So tired we were everynight that the moment daddy meow's head hits the pillow, he was in zzzz land already. No need for sheep counting.

So much for rekindling whatever romance. Some friends just don't get it when i tell them - to daddy meow, sleep means sleep. Don't wake up the sleeping tiger, very fierce when woken at ungodly hour.

And he drags me out of bed at an unholy 9.30am every morning when i am still trying to count the last sheep. Miss Dracula doesn't wake up so early. Naturally, i was grumpy.

He calls me Miss Grumpazoid. Grumpy at the breakfast table, grumpy all the way till lunch. Grumpy when tired.

After the first day, i told him, i was gonna wake up at 11.30am - go breakfast on your own and eat my share.

Second day he made me walk thru this park to the market i wanted to go to...he said it was very near.

But we walked for like ages till i was gonna bitch slap him from the crazy heat and unbearable pain in the soles of my feet. We never got to the market. Cos halfway i threw a girly tantrum and he shoved me in the cab and we went to the shopping mall instead. Air conditioning is wonderful at times when u need it. I was a royal pain in the butt.

I was so tired, i wanted to say "Pigs fly south" but it came out as "Pligs fleeth slouth"

I was slurring everywhere....tongue also tired.

I saw....a lot of legs and a lot of boobs.

Boobs everywhere.

It's like boobs galore. And the shorter the skirt, the better. Heck some girls even wore oversized men's shirt with no skirt or pants below.

But more of Bangkok later....it's time to pick up on my work.

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