Sunday, July 20, 2008

Muscat rescue

only people who love animals would bother to risk their lives to rescue a stray animal in distress.
here's muscat sleeping on one of the beams above the carpark.

but this beam's not that high.
muscat got stuck really high up outside someone else's mini 'balcony' up on the 2nd floor. it was really high up. and with no whatsoever way to actually jump down. it was mind boggling how he got there in the first place. he was meowing non stop the entire night and daddy meow said, nevermind, leave him be. if he knew how to jump up there, he would know how to get down safely. so worried me went to sleep.
but come afternoon the next day which was a sunday, muscat was still stuck at the same spot, still meowing on top of his kitty voice, looking terribly scared and hungry. i couldn't stand it. so both of us like real stupid idiots tried to rescue him. to cut the long story short, we managed to get muscat to safety by coaxing him with canned fish. how did we do it is beyond my ability to detail out in written words. but it involved a ladder, us standing precariously on the ledge, daddy meow's strong but sore arms and me with canned fish.
and both of us fell down from the ledge, fortunately not onto the ground below, but onto the corridor. it was painful as i landed on the side of my butt.
and despite all the ruckus and my screaming when we both slipped and fell, no one came to check us out. no one. some good neighbours we have. no one opened their doors.
i remember i wanted to cry so much but i held back my tears. cos without thinking much, i had risked not only my life, but someone else' son's life as well. what would i say to his mom if he broke his leg or back? and who would take care of meow and pops if something bad happened to the both of us? no, i didn't cry or say anything but just lowered my head to hide my wet eyes while stroking muscat's head, who was gorging the canned fished like there was no tomorrow.
i guess the frustration and anxiety of rescuing muscat made my hormones go all haywire.
oh, please never tell me anything on animal suffering unless u want to see my cry.
and after that ordeal, muscat got stuck AGAIN at the same place the next morning!
daddy meow left for work and 2 minutes later, bursted into the bedroom to tell me so.
oh man. but we couldn't do much and didn't want to risk falling again...daddy meow told the guard about muscat and by the time i left for work, muscat was not there anymore! hmmm.....either the guard had a super long ladder or the very naughty muscat always knew how to get down without help. just looking for attention.
or perhaps....the owner of that apartment's balcony did not like cats and chucked muscat out there, sick and twisted as it may sound.

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