Saturday, July 26, 2008

Don't steal my boyfriend

This post is about daddy meow. I know, this is a cat journal, but it's still ok....cos daddy meow is a cat too. That's why he's called daddy meow.
And cos he's naughty, so i write about him.

I wanna write about the time when daddy meow stole my boyfriend.
Yes, he did. He stole and pretended he didn't in the morning after.
I had to sleep without my boyfriend the whole night and it was NOT nice.

I believe everyone has something to hug in bed.
When we were small, we have our boo boo bankie or our pookie bear or our lumpy pillow.
And that habit is hard to break.
I used to have my boo boo bankie (which was my parent's pink comforter) till the day i moved house.
It was so old that daddy meow said that there was enough of my skin flakes in the comforter to make another me. A clone.
And yet, i refused to throw it.

Him : Oooi!!! Bursting already la! Cotton coming out already...throw away la!
Me : (stuffing the cotton back in) No, where got??? I don't see any cotton bursting out....where got?

Cos it's my boo boo bankie.
No amount of threatening or tempting me with a new comforter would make me part with my pink one.
Cos it was soft and snuggly.
Even ratting on my bad habit to my mom did not make any impact.

And now, since i have finally thrown away (sob!) my boo boo bankie (he forced me to), i have directed my affections to a fat pillow which i brought along from my dad's house. Of course, daddy meow wanted me to throw it away too but i reasoned adamantly that since i threw away myself (my pink boo boo bankie), i should have at least my fat pillow to keep.
(big teary eyes)
"It's gross! The fat pillow's just as old! It's OLD!"
(bigger teary eyes)
"Ok kkkk....keep la! Bah!!! "

U probably wondering how he got me to give up my pink boo boo bankie. He just refused to let me bring it, cos he said a PINK comforter does not go well with the timber decor of the apartment. Daddy meow had put his feet down. Biatch. Annoying architect.

But the fat pillow stays.

So, my fat pillow is my boyfriend. I hug it every night to sleep cos someone is not the huggy type in bed. Says i emanate too much body heat.
So, i two timed daddy meow with my pillow boyfriend.
It's fat and cuddly.
I like to bury my head into my pillow, my face pressed up against it.
Sorta comforting in a way.
It's the best hug. Soft, cushiony, so far no one has come close to the hug i get from my fat pillow.
A bit spastic also, cos everytime daddy meow wakes up, he would just see a fat pillow next to him, not my face, cos it's all hidden, burried into the softness of the pillow.

In fact, i spend so much time with my fat pillow, it's really like my boyfriend. It's with me when i am happy, sad, melanchonic, mad, lazy...i hug it to death. My pillar of soft comfort.

Lately...the brain has been complaining that HIS pillow is no longer supporting his head. Too flat already...heheh....head too heavy with all that pork infested BRAIN.
And he's been eyeing my fat pillow.
Cos it's fat, not flat, like his.
A few times he had nonchalantly taken it and rested his heavy head on it and said...."Ahhhh...this is nice"...just to have me rudely yank it from under his head.

But ONE fine night a few months ago.......i came into the bedroom and saw him sleeping on MY boyfriend! And he was so deep in slumber i could not bear to wake him up. Cos like i said, a sleeping tiger is very fierce when woken up at an ungodly hour. Grrr....what did he leave me? His flat pillow. Nicely placed onto my side of the bed.
I stared daggers at him till i feel asleep.

The flat pillow didn't feel quite right.
It was too flat. So i chucked it aside.

Next morning......

Me : SOMEONE stole my boyfriend last night!
Him : Who? (feigning shock)
Me : U la! U!! U!!! I wanted to whack u with your flat pillow!
Him : No, i didn' no....
Me : Bah, then when u woke up this morning, u put the fat pillow on my as though u never used it...bugger...
Him : That's cos i never used li la li la)

U should have seen his 'innocent' face.

Me : Stop making my pillow flat la...i like it FAT! Your pillow was so flat, it felt weird hugging it.
Him : Treat it like a skinny boyfriend la.
Me : U know i like a bit of meat. I never had a skinny boyfriend...oh wait, yeah, i did...
Him : Bah.

That night itself, daddy meow took out a new pillow from the closet to sleep on. He asked whether i wanted to have a fresh new boyfriend so he could take mine.
My boyfriend is the best hug. Period.


Anonymous said...

The pillow is lumpy, grainy, stained with water marks, oil marks, and what nots. If its tested in a laboratory, u'd prob find traits of durian, nangka, rojak, ice cream, breadcrumbs, potato chips, drool, phleghm, ... things unimaginable.. putting a clean pillow cover doesn't mean that all that disappears...

mummymeow said...

phark la...where got?