One of the furry creature left a leetle treat for us sometime ago.
A real nice treat which daddy meow spotted and went berserk.
A cicak (lizard) head. Just the head.
Severed cleanly at the neck.
Someone caught, devoured and lovingly left the BRAIN part for us.
Probably licked the head a few times but restrained from eating it as a token love and total adulation for, for mummy.
As daddy meow pointed out, the perpetrator left it at the most convenient spot - next to our dining table. So that we could see it and eat it.
Well, actually, i saw it first in the morning and thought it was perhaps a cat biscuit crumb on the floor...Poppy's normally a messy eater, half of his food almost always fall out of his mouth while chewing anyway (mulut longgar) so i didn't really bother. Until....i heard...daddy meow roaring in horror....
"EUW!!!!! WHAT THE ???"
So, who left it?
It's either the orange one or the brown naughty one.
Easy peasy. If I had 20 cats, that will be a little hard to pinpoint.
Our immediate verdict was :
Why not? He's deft, nimble and a skilled hunter, from the days of living on the streets.
Meow loves to hunt. Meow loves to eat cicak which is junk food to him.
Read my previous post titled Junk food about his lizard loving bad habit and you will see why.
Poppy, on the other hand, is a bumbling pet shop cat who doesn't seem to have any basic cat or cat survival skills. As in, he doesn't know how to groom himself or catch food to save his life.
How can it be Poppy?
All Poppy likes to do is to play and expose his belly for long rubs. And purr like a pigeon.
Ok, that is not my hand. That's not a girl's hand. Be very afraid if it's my hand.
So! It can't be Poppy. Poppy has a buck tooth. He can't hold anything in his mouth for more than 2 seconds before dropping it. Hence, the crumbly bits of cat biscuits all over the floor everyday.
Last week I caught a gleeful Poppy with something dubious in his tiny mouth.
It was a baby lizard.
He dropped it the moment he saw mummy staring at him with horrific eyes, only to quickly scoop the darn thing back into his mouth.
I sprang into action and grabbed Pops before he could cannonball away with the critter.
He dropped the lizard again which is by now, half dead.
I yelled at daddy meow to get rid of it but he couldn't do it fast enough because Poppy kept getting in the way. Yes, Poppy was eel-like...he kept squeezing out of our hands to get to the precious lizard while spewing growls and squawks of protests - noises we never heard before.
Hmmm...did the orange one teach Poppy to how to savour lizards?
Poppy did not like us that night.
For throwing his prized catch away.
After that incident, well, the leftover head near the dining table COULD be from Poppy.
Who's to know?
Poppy : "I keeel lizard with my buck tooth! Stab stab stab!"

A cicak (lizard) head. Just the head.
Severed cleanly at the neck.

Probably licked the head a few times but restrained from eating it as a token love and total adulation for, for mummy.
As daddy meow pointed out, the perpetrator left it at the most convenient spot - next to our dining table. So that we could see it and eat it.
Well, actually, i saw it first in the morning and thought it was perhaps a cat biscuit crumb on the floor...Poppy's normally a messy eater, half of his food almost always fall out of his mouth while chewing anyway (mulut longgar) so i didn't really bother. Until....i heard...daddy meow roaring in horror....
"EUW!!!!! WHAT THE ???"
So, who left it?
It's either the orange one or the brown naughty one.
Easy peasy. If I had 20 cats, that will be a little hard to pinpoint.
Our immediate verdict was :

Why not? He's deft, nimble and a skilled hunter, from the days of living on the streets.
Meow loves to hunt. Meow loves to eat cicak which is junk food to him.
Read my previous post titled Junk food about his lizard loving bad habit and you will see why.
Poppy, on the other hand, is a bumbling pet shop cat who doesn't seem to have any basic cat or cat survival skills. As in, he doesn't know how to groom himself or catch food to save his life.
How can it be Poppy?
All Poppy likes to do is to play and expose his belly for long rubs. And purr like a pigeon.

So! It can't be Poppy. Poppy has a buck tooth. He can't hold anything in his mouth for more than 2 seconds before dropping it. Hence, the crumbly bits of cat biscuits all over the floor everyday.
Last week I caught a gleeful Poppy with something dubious in his tiny mouth.
It was a baby lizard.
He dropped it the moment he saw mummy staring at him with horrific eyes, only to quickly scoop the darn thing back into his mouth.
I sprang into action and grabbed Pops before he could cannonball away with the critter.
He dropped the lizard again which is by now, half dead.
I yelled at daddy meow to get rid of it but he couldn't do it fast enough because Poppy kept getting in the way. Yes, Poppy was eel-like...he kept squeezing out of our hands to get to the precious lizard while spewing growls and squawks of protests - noises we never heard before.
Hmmm...did the orange one teach Poppy to how to savour lizards?
Poppy did not like us that night.
For throwing his prized catch away.
After that incident, well, the leftover head near the dining table COULD be from Poppy.
Who's to know?

kibbles are dry and taseless... as for cicaks...yum.. savoury, juicy, fresh, gummy and crunchy all in one yummy package...
of course the boys like it more than boring kibbles..
bah. I guess.
It's like how i love salt and vinegar chips.
Sometimes we just do not feel like eating lizard brains.
ok, yes gandalf and grayson...that's cos it's too high in cholesterol right?
I think my dog ate lizards a couple of times as well. I caught him red handed with the lizard's tail dangling from the corner of his mouth.
That will usually result in slighly less hugs and kisses for the next couple of days. As my fear for lizards is irrational.
Hi Rach, I guess all animals like lizards and whatnots huh? Even roaches...
Totally understand your fear of lizards. I have the same irrational fear about worms. I would jump up tables and chairs when i see one!
Your cats are so darned cute!!!!
This is my first time visiting your blog. It is great.
I have four kitty cats. Come on over and check out my cat photos!!
Hi,whatloknows, that is a great name. I will check out ur kitties soon. Thanks for visiting this page! Always nice to hear from an animal lover.
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