Not a day goes by that I don't miss MeowMeow.
Some days are better, some days are just full of clouds, threatening to pour over smallest of mention the orange one or evoked memories brought on while vacuming random fur on the floor.
Mostly, I have been burying myself with work, keeping myself occupied that way.
Don't have any mood to talk to anyone.
Even family.
It's one of those phase you either get out of it quickly or you don't.
The day MeowMeow was put down, it had not occured to me that my cat was not going to be there anymore.
Until i got home and bathed and sat on the bed.
That's when i started screaming for god to give me back my cat.
I pretty much screamed the same thing over and over that week.
I didn't care who heard me.
I wanted my cat back so much.
I remembered asking daddy meow if it was my fault - that i didn't love him enough.
And would my furry one still remember me when we meet again one day?
Would he still love me?
Could I have saved him if I had reacted faster?
If i had gone to another vet for second opinion on that fateful day?
Why didn't i hold him one last time?
Why didn't I brush him more?
Those questions still mull in my head, like a broken record.
So many whys.

I hated the fact that circumstances brought MeowMeow back to the detested vet.
I hated the fact that my chosen vet did not have the right equipment to diagnose my baby.
But most of all, I hated myself.
I had asked god over and over again to let me keep Poppy.
Poppy's still alive and well, way beyond expectations.
Even though daddy meow and you will pooh-ed and pah-ed at the absurdness of this, somehow I felt that because I wanted so badly to keep Poppy, god took MeowMeow away.
Like a trade off.
A very unfair trade off.The bond I have with MeowMeow is very different from Poppy.
And it is extremely hard to let another furry one come into my heart.
I miss tha tag-u-are-it games with MeowMeow.
He used to chase me around my dad's house.
Sat with me while i eat my dinner.
Cuddled with me while i watch tv.
Those were good moments.
I miss the little fella.
Yes, he is one of a kind. Very hard to replace.
am shocked and very sorry to read bout it... http://www.facebook.com/note.php?created&&suggest¬e_id=115994693053
Hello, we dropped by to see how you are doing.
Please know this - every animal you have loved and cared for, will always love you. The love does not die - it lives on and gives life. It keeps you going.
Meowmeow will always love you. He knows you did all you could at the time, all you were able to do. You could not have done more.
We send you rumbly purrs and love to help you through however long it takes for you to be able to remember lovely Meowmeow and smile again.
Whicky Wuudler
& Jane
Thanks for dropping by - and buying the book!
Poor Meowmeow and poor you. We still miss Scoop every day and it's been two years. I don't think you ever get over a cat death.
But don't blame yourself. you did your best.
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