"Sure, u try and see...."
This is how i imagined it to be. Drug the fuzzies and stuff them inside my luggage. And when it goes thru the scanner, the security would see two mini skeletal frame in the stupidest pose.
"Oh, itu.....itu soft toy la"
"Kenapa soft toy ada tulang tulang?"
"Ah, ni soft toy special punya. Macam betul punya haiwan. Special technology..."
U think they will believe me??? U think? Hey, if Kenny Sia could stuff his hamsters into his backpack and it went thru the scanner successfully, why not my boys?
Merry XMas.
Meow was actually sitting facing me when Pops hopped onto the bed, clumsily ambled in front of the orange one's face. Orange one didn't like one bit. I saw Meowz trying to bite Poppy's furry feet as the brown fuzzy brushes by Meowz' face irreverently. I guess they will never be BFF. But somehow, they tolerate each other well. I think despite some animosity and jealousy, they both appreciate each other's presence. Especially when i am not at home. They sure chase each other a lot, playing tag.
Pops eventually sat down on the bed right smack in front of the orange one's face.
Meowz' immediately turned his back to face Pops.
Don't like. He's probably thinking "Niama, i climb onto bed with mommy, this small one also copy. No peace. Show my backside to the spoilt brat"
And Poppy's like "Big brother in bed, I also follow. What big brother do, i also must do"
Youngest child syndrome.
Sometimes if i let only Meowz into the room, the small one would be squeaking in dismay outside the door.
After a while, Pops got up, went up to Meowz' backside and sat down on it, touching the orange one. They look like twins, conjoined to the backside in this photo. How adorable. I don't think Meowz' likes it one bit but Poppy's like la li la li la....i am sitting here with big brother...
Pops' purrs sound like pigeons cooing. It's really very unique.
Oh no, fireworks again!
Poppy looks like this
Fireworks, what fireworks?
Ok, those are old pictures. Now as we speak, Poppy's perched nonchalantly at the window looking out into the dark sky laced with fireworks.
Meowz is in the bathroom, all balled up, quaking in fear.
Poppy's really shaggy nowadays. So much fur, he looks like a carpet sometimes.
I should seriously get my own camera so i can capture these moments.
Without relying on daddy meow's camera. But he will ask me why - since i don't like to cam whore. Maybe i should cam whore one day.
Cute, isn't it? I found this picture and decide to keep it. Cos it looks like Poppy, minus the white face and chest. Poppy can't be trained to do that trick, but he sure can play 'football' and tug of war very well....
And Meowzers? The orange one couldn't be bothered...
Bathed both fuzzies yesterday. Now they smell luxurious. Even the maid was pleased.
No, that's not Poppy and that's not my bathroom but i thought this pic looks so cute. Cat puking into toilet bowl.
Of course, the person responsible for cleaning refuses to do so, he's a moody cow this week, so no guess who has to clean up.
Had to throw the pillow case away.
And chuck the pillow into the washing machine.
All this at 3am. Cos i feel asleep and then woke up and realised the puke has not been cleaned up yet. So i ambled outside sleepily and did all that and now i am blogging cos i can't sleep back.
While i was chucking the pillow into the washing machine, i looked up and to my side.
Both fuzzies were sitting side by side about 4 feet away, looking at me.
Just staring.
Cats stare a lot.
Not only do strange guys and girls stare at me, friends stare at me, i get cats staring at me as well.
The brown cookie bear and the orange-vanilla pooky bear.
In fact, while i am typing this blog, the orange-vanilla pooky bear is STILL staring at me, from the recliner. That's where he sleeps everynight. On daddy's fav recliner. Haha.
Poppy has no pillow to sleep on tonight i guess.
But i think it's ok.
The fuzzy cloud is a walking pillow.
His fur has become so thick that it's probably a cushion by itself.
Ah. Pops.
Who loves ya?
...a female cat. ????? I was so sure a few weeks ago that Doppy is a boy. Just like my boys. How come? Cos Doppy's just too energetic. Too frisky, too feisty. Zoom here, zoom there, zoom everywhere. All u see is a blur of Doppy zinging past u. Then suddenly the blur jumps onto ur hand or body or leg and small but sharp teeth bites into ur flesh. U can't stop it cos Doppy will zoom off again... Ouch. Geez. Doppy suddenly makes Poppy seem like an angel. Poppy has been alleviated to saint status. Poppy now has a halo on his head. The devil stake and horns are now on Doppy's head. So terribly naughty! Diabolical. Incorrigible. Disaster Doppy. How could it be a female cat? Female cats are supposed to be more manja, adorable and move slower... Doppy's just the opposite. So fierce somemore - attack and bite bite bite. I supposed, human females are like that as well....bite bite bite the guy's head off. Especially during thattimeofthemonth. I always say i want a female cat cos i keep having boy cats. But i don't want such a naughty female cat! A terror. She probably can control the two boys alone. Slap, paw, hiss, bite. Meowz will not be amused. Pops would not be amused either. Meowz will probably sit on Doppy. What made me suddenly doubt my beliefs that Doppy's a boy? Cos Meowz came into the room just now and hopped onto the bed. With his arse facing my face. Which was not nice. But....his arse and pee hole looked different from Doppy's. If i remember correctly, the boy's pee hole and arse hole is further apart. The girl cat's is closer. Doppy's pee and arse hole did not look anything like Meowz's. Me : Unless MeowMeow is a female cat?? Did my vet made a terrible mistake? Cut cut the wrong thing? The orange pooky bear answered me with a indignant meowf and bit my elbow. I did not make that up. He DID indeed on cue, replied me and bit my elbow. So naughty. Probably said "I AM a boy! U made the mean vet cut my balls, don't u remember???" Bah. Doppy's a female cat! How could i be wrong and my father in law is right from beginning? I am supposed to be more knowledgeable about cats. Bah humbug. |
So |
He likes to bite my hands too...all cats do that i guess.
Then there's cheesecake mooncakes. Yikes.
Mixed nut mooncake.
Pineapple strawberry mooncake.
Red bean-green tea mooncake.
Snow skin coffee with choco bits mooncake.
Orange banana choco mooncake.
What else is next? This is my future prediction :
Truffle mooncake - the most expensive mooncake in the world?
Birds' nest mooncake.
Lavender-rose-cumin mooncake.
Curry mooncake.
Sambal ikan bilis mooncake.
Hawaiian pizza flavoured mooncake.
Salt and vinegar chips mooncake...YUM! I want!
Liver pate mooncake.
Gummy bear mooncake.
Honey dew-winter melon-leong fun mooncake. Wow, that is super sweet.
Hibiscus-ribena mooncake.
Assam boi mooncake.
Aloe vera-lotus paste mooncake.
Rambutan-mangosteen mooncake - my two fav fruits. If got, please buy that for me.
Hiyo, my imagination the very the keng the chau.
Since mooncake flavours are becoming more and more ridiculous, i don't think my ideas are very far fetched.
Let's wait and see next year's fanfare exploision of new flavours as bakers scratch their head to outdo this year's creations.
Perhaps, the cutest mooncake is :
Thomas Sabo!
My new love. How could i ever not know this brand?
So pretty! Eee, so cute! Can u see the handcuff charm? Just what every girl needs to cuff her man to her...
How cute are the handbag charms!
Isn't that just too cute? A baby's bootee.
Shoes shoes shoes...shoe charms are close to my heart cos of my name...that red shoe looks like mine! Ah, pretzel charm...isn't it insane?
Dragon charm for the dragon girl...
Lipstick is a must for every girl....
Meow meow, woof woof
Bras anyone?
G-string anyone?
Ice skating anyone?
My gosh, it's crazy, look at the details on the saxaphone! Genius he is...
I didn't go to the Eiffel Tower when i was in Paris....not interested. But this is interesting...
Diamonds are forever....
Record player...man, how many things do they design?
It's enough to make a girl go nuts.
And these charms are not cheap. U buy the chain and charms separately.
I showed daddy meow how much each costs from the booklet the salesgirl gave me.
"WAH LIAU WEI! RM149 for each charm? Cheapest RM99?"
I think one of the handbag and bra charm costed RM980.
"WAH, u can buy a real bag already leh! And thousands of bras!"
He said he will make me one. With real bra, real shoe, real cats (Poppy and Meowz), real dog (Bobby), real g-string, real lipstick, etc...
"Give me all these things, i make one for u now!"
Men, never appreciate beauty in miniature form.
I can imagine how my charm bracelet will look like.
This could be a spoof for Thomas Sabo charm bracelets.